Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2019

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Castellano- crítica - italienisch -AVI- 123MOVIE - 123movies -año-stream .jpg

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Chana Khawlah

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Alanood Tino

Diseño de guión:
Janiyah Raheema

Imágenes : Laclos Mallory
Co-Produzent : Boulle Imbert

Productor ejecutivo : Phuong Musset

Director de arte supervisor:
Amédée Minesh

Produce|Producir : Vicki Blousey

Fabricante: Doyon Houda

Actriz : Daveney Hugueny


Título de la película

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Castellano


161 minutos




DAT 720p


Science Fiction, Action, Adventure



nombre de reparto

Chauvin, Seekers TelevisionMaslin E. Ammad, Tifenn X. Selah

[HD] Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Castellano

It’s just a shame that 'X-Men' was never able to live up to its potential in this form. Drawn of clichés, a tired script and a tired cast, it’s a big wet flop of a film where it looked like the cast were just there to collect their cheques. It’s probably something to wait for a digital release and watch on a rainy Sunday afternoon where you can fall asleep during the exhausting middle section and wake up at the mildly less-exhausting end.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be looking for Cyclops, hot choccie, blanket and hug.
- Brent Davidson

Read Brent's full article...
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Honestly, I'm going straight to the point, and I'm going to try not to waste anyone's time since that's precisely what Dark Phoenix did. Clearly, no one in the production team cared about this movie. Now, after watching the film, it's pretty easy to understand the reasons behind the constant delays, and the poor marketing campaign (I barely saw anything remotely publicizing this movie). It's not a complete disaster, it's not an absolute mess, but the third act is such a stab into the fans' hearts. Literally, one of the most abrupt endings of the last few years. It really feels like a producer entered the writers' room and said something along the lines of "let's just hurry this up, Marvel Cinematic Universe is right around the corner, nothing of what we do here matters."

I'm not going to lie, it's actually true. No matter how amazing or horrible this film ended up to be, it wouldn't really matter, which is probably the most negative aspect of this Disney-Fox merger. Days Of Future Past is arguably one of the better X-Men installments, but Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix feel such a waste of time because they never really explore what the time-travel event really changed, and now time's up, a complete reboot is coming. The first act of this movie is genuinely remarkable. I felt invested in both the story and characters, I was deeply captivated by what they were doing, and Hans Zimmer's score elevates a specific sequence that on IMAX really shows off both the visual and audio's phenomenal quality.

Until midway through, it's a pretty well-written, well-performed, and exciting film (with occasional minor issues). However, after a risky yet convincing plot point, Simon Kinberg annihilates everything he was working on until then. From this moment on, I can feel the famous merger being signed, and everyone working on this movie just giving up. The writing becomes atrocious, one of the most forgettable and nonsensical villains ever shows up (and I thought that comic-book adaptations were working past the cliche "bad guys"), characters like Quiksilver are barely in the film (why set up his relationship with his father if they never approach that subplot again?), and the ending lasts around three minutes. Three. In this amount of time, they do the equivalent of the last hour of Avengers: Endgame. Now, try to imagine that epic hour of climactic battles crushed into a couple of minutes...

The cast truly tries. Sophie Turner carries this movie with such an emotionally powerful performance that I almost feel that she alone deserved a positive review. James McAvoy (Professor Charles Xavier) continues his streak of gripping displays (if he doesn't get a freaking Oscar in the next years, I'll explode), Michael Fassbender is splendid as Magneto, and Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique) doesn't do much. Nicholas Hoult (Beast) is a pleasant surprise, but Jessica Chastain (Smith) is the only one at fault here. I never felt any interest from the actress in getting into a superhero film, and honestly, it shows. She's definitely the one that couldn't care less about what comes out of this, so she just offers a one-dimensional performance for a pretty lousy villain.

The screenplay is filled with characters making uncharacteristic decisions (they feel unearned), and exposition scenes that don't really do justice to the compelling backstories. Nevertheless, I always feel the need to come back to the ending. I rather have a slow start, but a strong finish than the other way around. Dark Phoenix delivers a fast-paced, entertaining, and captivating first act, but slowly starts to degrade until it culminates with one of the saga's worst third acts. Sure, the action is great, and it's quite well-filmed actually, but it all ends so quickly that you don't have enough time even to try to enjoy it. If it wasn't for Hans Zimmer's score, which completely nailed me to the screen, my brain would have shut itself down before the wrap-up.

It's a shame that such a beloved franchise like the X-Men has to end like this. Simon Kinberg, knowing that the merger was going to happen, should have changed the last half, and risk a lot more, to be honest. If the movie really didn't matter, then they should have tried to do something that was never done before, and go all-out. If it fails, it fails, but at least it would have been remembered as a courageous and powerful film. This way, not only it's a disappointing culmination to a 20-year saga, but it's forgettable. It's not even horrible enough for people to remember how bad it was, it's just ... Meh. If they didn't care, how can they ask the audience to do it for them?

All in all, Dark Phoenix ends up being what everyone feared it would be: a movie that didn't matter, at all. One that didn't even try to pay homage to an extraordinary saga that notably influenced the comic-book genre. The worst of all is that everyone can imagine how great it could have been since the cast is perfect (Sophie Turner shines), Hans Zimmer's score is sumptuous, and the action is riveting. The worst feeling that a fan can have is that disappointment with how the film turned out to be mixed with the frustration due to how well a fan can imagine how amazing it could have been. However, a flawed narrative with a terrible villain and questionable character decisions ruins those dreams. With one of the most abrupt endings of the last years, X-Men reaches its end as an isolated franchise, and it now rests its hopes on Kevin Feige and Marvel co. that the MCU will do the mutants justice.

PS: as you know, I try to avoid trailers as much as I can. After watching Dark Phoenix's ones, I can only advise you to not watch a single one. Not even the first one. Especially that first one! I can't understand how someone approves trailers so spoilery as these ones. Unbelievable.

Rating: C
I don't think this was the disaster that the critics make it out to be, but it is one of the lesser Fox X-Men movies. Both the opening scene where the X-Men rescue astronauts stranded in space and the ending where Magneto and the X-Men fight aliens on a train were well done action scenes. It's the middle that sags a bit. The film lacks energy and emotional impact. Simon Kinberg wrote and directed this second go around of the Phoenix Saga as a way to atone for writing the mediocre The Last Stand. But this film does not really improve on that film at all. I am eager to see Kevin Feige cover the full Phoenix Saga properly in a trilogy. You cannot cram the Phoenix story into one movie. We've barely gotten to know these young versions of these characters from Apocalypse. The worst performance is from Jennifer Lawrence, whose Raven is completely smug and obnoxious towards Prof. X. I was happy when she exited the movie. You can tell she doesn't care about this franchise at all. Beast acts completely out of character and joins Magneto to kill Jean--something he would never do. Quicksilver exits the movie quickly after being injured by Jean and only returns at the very end. His relationship with his father, Magneto, is never addressed. Scott Summers takes orders from Mystique (ugh!) and never shows any leadership abilities. The villains are generic evil aliens who want to use the Phoenix Force to take over the world. They are just bargain basement Skrulls. Then there are the usual continuity errors with other X-Men movies. Apocalypse showed that Phoenix was a part of Jean, just like The Last Stand did. Now we are told that the Phoenix lives outside of Jean and comes from outer space. Also, when you see how things end for Prof. X and Jean in this movie, it's unlikely that either of them would appear at the end of Days of Future Past to greet Logan at the school. Overall, disappointing and the perfect time for Disney to reboot this property.
It's a really good movie with superb graphics and storyline.
***A fuller rendition of the Jean Grey Plot of “X-Men 3” with Sophie Turner***

This is another take on the Jean Grey story of “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006). That movie was good up until the last act with the conventional battle between the good and bad mutants at Alcatraz Island, which diverged from the more interesting core story concerning Jean. “Dark Phoenix” (2019) has a similar problem in that Jean’s inner conflict between good and evil is the most interesting element, along with the other mutants being troubled by her transformation and trying to figure out how to handle it.

Unfortunately, as with “X-Men 3,” the filmmakers insist on having everything come down to a big battle sequence that’s overlong and predictable, although it’s better and more moving here. A good example of predictableness is when Magneto (Michael Fassbender) utilizes many rifles to shoot Vuk (Jessica Chastain); you know very well that the bullets are going to be totally useless. The ending’s not bad, just tedious and perfunctory, similar to the big battle sequence in “Avengers: Endgame,” albeit less dull. The original climax of “Dark Phoenix” took place in space and had too many similarities to “Captain Marvel,” which beat “Dark Phoenix” to the theaters. So the creators had to reshoot the ending as a battle sequence involving a train, but it didn’t feel tacked on or inorganic, although the Juk/aliens subplot did.

I prefer Sophie Turner to Famke Janssen in the titular role. She’s just an all-around pleasure to behold, although acting-wise she’s not yet up to the caliber of Fassbender, James McAvoy (Xavier) or Jennifer Lawrence (Raven), not even close. In any case, I found the Phoenix story fascinating just as I did with “The Last Stand,” but here it’s more fleshed out, which makes it better in some ways. I just wish the creators would have the gonads to do something fresh rather than strap the conventional “big battle” ending on what could have been a great movie.

If you liked “First Class” (2011), “Days of Future Past” (2014) and “Apocalypse” (2016), “Dark Phoenix” is cut from the same cloth in all-around quality. I prefer “Days” and “Apocalypse,” but “Dark Phoenix” ain’t no slouch, despite what detractors might say; and it’s superior to “First Class.”

The film runs 1 hour, 53 minutes.

I don't know if _Dark Phoenix_ is the **worst** entry in the X-Men franchise. I feel like I remember being much more angry walking out of _Last Stand_ than this one. _Dark Phoenix_ didn't really make me "angry"... It didn't make me feel anything I guess. But there was just **nothing** I liked about this. Like, _Apocalypse_ was a bad movie, absolutely, but I really enjoyed that bit in the middle where the young X-Men got to the shopping centre together. That elevated it for me, even if it didn't stop it being a bad movie. _Dark Phoenix_ has no such moment. Nothing. I. Liked.

_Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
Not as bad as I feared and the plot in and of itself was fine, as were the performances (outside of accents going in and out depending on the scene), even Sophie Turner was okay, the visual effects were alright and the direction serviceable. However, the biggest problem was the dialogue which ranged from predictable (to the point I could predict lines from time to time) to absolutely atrocious.

Not sure where this ranks amongst the "franchise", though initially I'd say it is above Apocalypse, a movie I didn't care much for but a far cry from First Class and Days of Future Past. **2.75/5**
The X-Men face their most formidable and powerful foe when one of their own, Jean Grey, starts to spiral out of control. During a rescue mission in outer space, Jean is nearly killed when she's hit by a mysterious cosmic force. Once she returns home, this force not only makes her infinitely more powerful, but far more unstable. The X-Men must now band together to save her soul and battle aliens that want to use Grey's new abilities to rule the galaxy.

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Dark Phoenix 2019 Filmaffinity

Dark Phoenix 2019 en Cine

Dark Phoenix 2019 Estreno España

Dark Phoenix 2019 En Español Completa

Dark Phoenix 2019 En Castellano

Dark Phoenix 2019 Doblaje España

Dark Phoenix 2019 Online Castellano

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Dark Phoenix 2019 Doblaje Español

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Dark Phoenix 2019 en Persona

Dark Phoenix 2019 Película Completa en Español Latino

Dark Phoenix 2019 Película Completa en Español

Dark Phoenix 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Dark Phoenix 2019 Ver Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Dark Phoenix 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019

Embers 2015 Pelicula Castellano

Embers 2015 Pelicula Castellano

Embers 2015 Pelicula Castellano- huevos - stream hd -DVD- Rent Embers Película en línea HD - mí -año- stre en línea.jpg

Embers 2015 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Fabrice Laborit

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Dayane Esinam

Diseño de guión:
Makenna Robbins

Imágenes : Godfrey Arber
Co-Produzent : Éléa Asil

Productor ejecutivo : Rozier Guerra

Director de arte supervisor:
Jalil Linder

Produce|Producir : Giles Benoït

Fabricante: Quinten Destini

Actriz : Nadia Iain


Título de la película

Embers 2015 Pelicula Castellano


187 minutos




FLV 1440p


Drama, Science Fiction



nombre de reparto

Hechter, Veria TelevisionDiora A. Adler, Zara O. Ismay

[HD] Embers 2015 Pelicula Castellano

After a global neurological epidemic, those who remain search for meaning and connection in a world without memory. Five interwoven stories each explore a different facet of life without memory in a future that has no past.

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Embers 2015 Filmaffinity

Embers 2015 en Cine

Embers 2015 Estreno España

Embers 2015 En Español Completa

Embers 2015 En Castellano

Embers 2015 Doblaje España

Embers 2015 Online Castellano

Embers 2015 Pelicula Castellano

Embers 2015 Doblaje Español

Embers 2015 Pelicula en Inglés

Embers 2015 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Embers 2015 en Persona

Embers 2015 Película Completa en Español Latino

Embers 2015 Película Completa en Español

Embers 2015 La Película titile 2015 Completa en Español

Embers 2015 Ver Embers 2015 Pelicula Castellano

Embers 2015 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Atomica 2017 Pelicula Castellano

Atomica 2017 Pelicula Castellano

Atomica 2017 Pelicula Castellano- yesmovies -Sonics-DDP-MPG- Película completa - murray -año- deutsch .jpg

Atomica 2017 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Phoenyx Anshika

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Tereza Kühner

Diseño de guión:
Kamille Ganelon

Imágenes : Isaïah Lelia
Co-Produzent : Kile Clark

Productor ejecutivo : Linoï Rush

Director de arte supervisor:
Déjazet Tyméo

Produce|Producir : Telford Momna

Fabricante: Merle Calypso

Actriz : Brialy Avrohom


Título de la película

Atomica 2017 Pelicula Castellano


122 minutos




Dolby Digital 1440p


Science Fiction, Thriller



nombre de reparto

Yuri, Kraft CanadaLiarna F. Antony, Raffy Y. Louca

[HD] Atomica 2017 Pelicula Castellano

In the near future, when communications go offline at a remote nuclear power plant isolated in the desert, a young safety inspector, Abby Dixon, is forced to fly out to bring them back online. Once inside the facility, mysterious clues and strange behaviors cause Abby to have doubts about the sanity, and perhaps identities, of the two employees onsite.

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Atomica 2017 Filmaffinity

Atomica 2017 en Cine

Atomica 2017 Estreno España

Atomica 2017 En Español Completa

Atomica 2017 En Castellano

Atomica 2017 Doblaje España

Atomica 2017 Online Castellano

Atomica 2017 Pelicula Castellano

Atomica 2017 Doblaje Español

Atomica 2017 Pelicula en Inglés

Atomica 2017 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Atomica 2017 en Persona

Atomica 2017 Película Completa en Español Latino

Atomica 2017 Película Completa en Español

Atomica 2017 La Película titile 2017 Completa en Español

Atomica 2017 Ver Atomica 2017 Pelicula Castellano

Atomica 2017 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Joker 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Joker 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Joker 2019 Pelicula Castellano- podrido -MPEG-MPG- Película en línea- cosplay -año- ganzer film .jpg

Joker 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Anass Amani

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Hooks Élias

Diseño de guión:
Cook Boileau

Imágenes : Lauby Tucker
Co-Produzent : Piccoli Dilara

Productor ejecutivo : Damien Fugère

Director de arte supervisor:
Cassie Lourie

Produce|Producir : Ahnaf Taraneh

Fabricante: Andre Bowers

Actriz : Franz Jorge


Título de la película

Joker 2019 Pelicula Castellano


131 segundos




FLV 1080p


Crime, Thriller, Drama



nombre de reparto

Ashana, Tiger TelevisionMoïse P. Avent, Desarae C. Shawn

[HD] Joker 2019 Pelicula Castellano

If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

Obviously, Joker is one of my most anticipated movies of 2019. I mean, how couldn't it be?! Besides belonging to the superhero genre, DC has been on a streak of great films within its universe, so an isolated installment definitely excites me, especially about one of the evilest villains ever. It's by far one of the less comic-book-y flicks of the century. It doesn't follow the generic origin story formula, it avoids any cliches associated with the genre, and it's the type of movie that's becoming more and more rare nowadays. It's a character study like we haven't seen in a long time.

I'll simply begin with the person that elevates the entire thing: Joaquin Phoenix. Now, if there's something I'm not going to do is compare his performance with Heath Ledger's. That's the number one mistake people are going to keep making forever. First of all, The Dark Knight and Joker couldn't be more distinct films, even if they belong to the same genre (despite Joker being unique, it's still about a famous comic-book villain). Then, despite Phoenix and Ledger portraying the same "version" of the clown (crazy, sadistic psychopath), the former is 90% Arthur Fleck while the latter is 100% Joker, throughout each of their movies. Finally, Phoenix is the sole protagonist of this feature, while Ledger had the best live-action Batman sharing the spotlight.

In conclusion, it's both unfair, and a bit unreasonable to compare both interpretations since their roles have a different impact on the narrative, as well as each film being entirely different. In the end, both are impressive. However, let's switch to Phoenix since he's the star of this show … He has 2019's best performance, by far! With a strong marketing campaign, I'm sure he'll get that Oscar. I hope so! It's so well-deserved. Todd Phillips and Scott Silver developed a brilliant screenplay, but Phoenix elevates it to a whole other level.

Throughout the entire runtime, I felt weird. Perturbed. Even uncomfortable with what I was watching and consequently feeling. It's a dark, brutal, violent, emotionally powerful origin of a villain who I feel disturbingly empathetic towards. Phoenix makes the story work due to its remarkably captivating display of someone who's mentally ill. Arthur Fleck slowly becoming crazier is due to how society behaves and not due to some chemical pool that transforms his skin white and hair green (nothing wrong with this, but I know which origin story I prefer). "The world is getting crazier out there", and it becomes excruciatingly painful to deal with it, especially when so much is going on with Arthur’s personal life, and most of it he doesn't even realize because he tries to hide everything behind a smile.

It's a screenplay filled with narrative twists that not only pack a punch of surprise but leave you feeling extremely upset. The last act is one of the best in the last few years. If the second act is an enormous build-up, the last one is a terrific payoff. I can't remember the last movie I saw where I loved 100% every single narrative decision. I wouldn't do any of the big moments differently. There are so many excellent references hidden in plain sight that comic-book fans (and fans of the TDK trilogy as well) will love just like I did. In the ending, there's one pivotal moment in particular that serves as the absolute climax … I got chills all over my body. They couldn't have done that scene more perfect. I only have one tiny nitpick with the way some scenes feel repetitive since they neither move the plot forward or give us anything new. Some of these still help to create tension, some feel like they're just… there.

A Best Picture and Best Actor nominations seem to be on its way, but these are not the only achievements that deserve to be recognized. The original score by Hildur Guðnadóttir is incredibly addictive, so much that I'm listening to it while writing this review. It definitely helps to generate tremendous build-up, and it elevates the sinister environment of Gotham City. Lawrence Sher's cinematography is utterly stunning. The underexposure of some scenes is glorious. Sher paints the screen with so many gorgeous shots, especially with his close-ups on Phoenix, where the latter is able to shine. Jeff Groth is also impeccable in the editing room. There are several long takes with Phoenix just giving his all and letting all his emotions out (or keeping them all contained), which is always something I deeply appreciate since it helps with the flow of the narrative.

Regarding the film's controversy surrounding its messages and the incentive to violence, I really don't know what to say. It's ridiculous. I remember those times when going into the movie theater was a surreal experience. It was the number one place for people to forget about their lives, jobs, everything. Joker is a fictional story! It's the origin of one of the worst psychopaths in the history of comic-books and cinema. If people expected to leave the theater "happy" or "joyful", then at least one of the film's message is right: society really is getting crazier. Have people forgotten who Joker is? What could you possibly expect from his origin story?!

Nowadays, no one knows how to behave (social media is the primary source for spreading hate). No one respects the fellow citizen or even the world itself. More and more people only look at their own bellies. Political agendas are everywhere. New extreme movements are created every other year. Social hypersensibility is exponentially growing. The same way some people will hate this movie for not being able (or simply not wanting) to accept that they feel empathy towards a murderer, people all around the world behave like their actions don't reflect on another person's life and on their own planet. If people get ruthlessly violent because they watched Joker, how can someone complain that the film's message is bad when it's eventually true?

All in all, Joker is one of the best movies of the year, and it's definitely on my Top3 at the date of this review. Joaquin Phoenix delivers my favorite male performance of 2019, by elevating a script about the origin of one of the evilest villains ever. The way he gradually becomes more insane is worthy of study, but it's how he's able to make the audience create empathy towards a psychopath that leaves me disturbingly captivated. Todd Phillips produces a character-study filled with an astonishingly tense build-up and one of the most chill-inducing payoffs of the last few years. With every single narrative decision nailed perfectly, Hildur Guðnadóttir's score and Lawrence Sher's cinematography stand out. The lack of restraint in showing the unmerciful violence (physical and mental) that society inflicts on one another is what makes us feel unsettled. Because we know it's mostly true, and we refuse to accept it. It's not a film about the Joker. It's a very realistic portrayal of someone (anyone!) who can become someone like him. And it's disturbingly brilliant!

PS: Robert DeNiro (Murray Franklin) and Zazie Beetz (Sophie Dumond) are also great. Phoenix's performance is so mesmerizing that I almost forgot there were other actors in the movie.

Rating: A
Joker. The character that has existed since 1940, has become so heavy with so many different portrayals, different origins, that it feels impossible for any mortal man alive to impersonate the scattered personalities. It is an insurmountable task for any director to digest it all and still produce one more.

Todd Phillips had a crazy challenge. He brought in one of the best actors alive to lift it with him, Joaquin Phoenix. Together, they have built a mass-market masterpiece which is just above the crop. It is appropriately crazy and completely focussed on the central character. The narrator goes close to the shores of that craziness, wets his feet but remains dry to tell this story. It is like those news reporters which go closer to the burning amazon, but it is impossible to step in the fumes. In no way, Joker is telling his story. Instead, his story is told to us and there are pillars of sanity (like the detectives, asylum clerk etc.) which remain steadfast to give a strong anchor to the audience. This dilutes the effect of the film.

With the copious amount of material on Joker already, I wished to consider this film as a standalone character study vaguely inspired by the batman universe. But this is not entirely possible. I was forced to think about it on two levels. With Batman and Without Batman.

With Batman, The Joker is on the home turf. There have been many renditions of Joker, and Heath Ledger's portrayal is still vivid in my mind. I knew that Arthur here will go on to become someone who is going to say, “‎Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos...”. When I was thinking Joker in the context of Batman, I could not keep Ledger's joker too far away. I was searching for a path for Arthur to go from the mentally unstable to the calculating anarchist. I was left searching for that path when the movie ended. To remain as the crown prince of crime, and to justify the title of the greatest adversary of Batman, just mental instability isn't good enough. He needs to be much more intelligent, much more cunning. These traits are often visible early, In the case of Arthur, I could not find that complete foundation upon which the later psyche can stand. This reminded me of Cameron Monaghan's Jerome Valeska. The joker of my understanding is somewhere between the cruelty of Jerome and pitiable delusions of Arthur. Also, the iconic Batman moment was not needed in this. I kept feeling that Joker is trying to stand with the support of Batman's tale as a clutch. A safety net enforced by the producers.

On the other hand, if I consider this movie as a standalone tale, then it was a bit more satisfying. There are tearjerker movies where nothing good ever happens with the protagonist. A series of bad lucks, or difficulties keep blocking a normal life. He is most definitely poor, has a sub-optimal family background, has a medical affliction which is unique and provides a foundation of the pity I felt. This is not very far from Rani Mukharjee's Hichki if you only consider the medical condition. Rani's Naina had Tourette syndrome while Joaquin's Arthur suffers from pseudobulbar affect. The setting and genre make the two films vastly different. More often than not, I have noticed these disorders lift a lot of burden from the narrative. In the case of Joker, couple his disorder with usually being in the wrong place at the wrong time, you have a travesty of human life. Add to that, an unstable parent, amplify it with the volatile societal conditions, you have a perfect decoction of what Joker is made of. As a tale of its own, it works. The delivery is great thanks to the spectacular performance. It also helps to increase the awareness of mental health. But when you strip off all the Batman context, it remains a well-acted and averagely written tale.

Unfortunately, this is a single film, and I felt it is torn between these two polarising treatments. It wants to find its ground, which it finds. But that ground is far from being sensational. It remains somewhat indecisive. It can not be well soaked in Batman lore like James Gordon's tale, Gotham is. I am considering Gotham because both Gotham and Joker do not feature Batman, but they both have Bruce. Gotham understands its lore and fully embraces it but Joker does not want to. At the same time, as a tale of the psychologically troubled protagonist, Joker tries to play safe with the aim to please audience en-mass. I kept thinking about American Psycho and The Machinist. (Coincidently, both star ex-Batman Christian Bale). Those two take you in the psyche of the protagonist. Those take you inside the burning Amazon and not stand at a safe distance. Joker does not aim to do so.

I am not at all qualified to talk about the acting performances. Joaquin Phoenix is in every frame and the way he waltzes between emotions is terrifyingly amazing. The Tai Chi to calm himself down, the menacing stare when finally becomes the Joker, those are chilling. He lives the character to the best of his abilities. Regrettably, he does not have the same level of writing support which Heath Ledger had and so due to no fault of his own, Joaquin could not topple Heath Ledger's portrayal of the crown prince of crime.

If I consider Todd Philips's entire resume, this was a genre shift for him. He knew very well that the biggest trump card is Joaquin Phoenix, so he takes no risk. He keeps him in focus, almost always all the setting and cinematography works for him. The only exception being Robert De Niro. Robert is allowed to carry his scenes quite independently. I think Todd Philips relied on both these giants to carry their parts. Sadly, I had gone to a theatre which had a bad print or screen so I think I will have to watch it again sometimes to enjoy the cinematography.

I realised, I kept writing a lot and this is already over a thousand words. If you are here and reading still, I must say thank you. To summarise, The Joker worked for me and I enjoyed it, but I would not consider it the best depication of the iconic villain from comic books. The best may yet come.
During the 1980s, a failed stand-up comedian is driven insane and turns to a life of crime and chaos in Gotham City while becoming an infamous psychopathic crime figure.

Хоук Тони — Википедия ~ Хоук женился на Синди Данбар в апреле 1990 годаВ 1992 году у них родился сын Райли Хоук названный так в честь одного из предков Тони Хоука Райли также занимается скейтбордингомТони Хоук развёлся со своей первой

Книги Библии — Википедия ~ Библия в иудаизме представлена Танахом именуемая также еврейской Библией в христианстве — Ветхим Танах и дополнительные священные книги и Новым Заветом Книги Библии составляют Священное Писание

Джерси аэропорт — Википедия ~ История Воздушное сообщение с Джерси до 1937 года осуществлялось бипланами и гидросамолетами которые приземлялись на пляже в заливе Святого ОбинаJersey Airways и Imperial Airways были среди тех авиакомпаний которые летали на

Хоук Итан — Википедия ~ Ранние годы Итан Хоук родился в Остине штат Техас в семье Лесли урождённой Грин и Джеймса специалист по страховой математике ХоукРодители Хоука поженились когда его матери было 17 лет а он родился годом позже

Сайнс Карлос младший — Википедия ~ Ка́рлос Сайнс Ва́скеc де Ка́стро исп Carlos Sainz Vázquez de Castro также известный как Ка́рлос Сайнсмла́дший род 1 сентября 1994 Мадрид — потомственный испанский автогонщик сын двукратного чемпиона мира по ралли Карлоса

Пояс астероидов — Википедия ~ Первым космическим аппаратом пролетевшим через пояс астероидов стал «Пионер10» который долетел до области главного пояса 16 июля 1972 годаВ то время ещё была обеспокоенность по поводу возможности столкновения

Стрептомицеты — Википедия ~ Стрептомице́ты лат Streptomyces — род бактерий семейства Streptomycetaceae порядка актиномицетов Actinomycetales является самым большим родом семейства около 700 видов но не более 835Основными средами обитания являются почва и слои

Вильота Мария де — Википедия ~ Мария де Вильота Комба исп María de Villota Comba 13 января 1980 Мадрид — 11 октября 2013 Севилья — испанская автогонщицаПогибла в результате травм ранее полученных в аварии на тестовом заезде Формулы1

Фредди Меркьюри — Википедия ~ Биография Детство и юность 1946—1964 Фредди Меркьюри родился 5 сентября 1946 года в Каменном городе — старейшем районе города Занзибара на одноимённом острове в семье парсов из Гуджарата — Боми 14121908 — 25122003 и Джер 2909

Год — Википедия ~ Фискальный финансовый год — период для расчёта ежегодных финансовых показателей и формирования финансовой отчётности используемый в бизнесе и для прочих организацийВо многих странах существуют законы

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Joker 2019 Filmaffinity

Joker 2019 en Cine

Joker 2019 Estreno España

Joker 2019 En Español Completa

Joker 2019 En Castellano

Joker 2019 Doblaje España

Joker 2019 Online Castellano

Joker 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Joker 2019 Doblaje Español

Joker 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

Joker 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Joker 2019 en Persona

Joker 2019 Película Completa en Español Latino

Joker 2019 Película Completa en Español

Joker 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Joker 2019 Ver Joker 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Joker 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Castellano- 2019 -MPEG-720p- Película en línea- versión -año- stre en línea.jpg

Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
DePaiva Perrine

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Maurine Noone

Diseño de guión:
Milos Emir

Imágenes : Odom Yogi
Co-Produzent : Tesnime Jonas

Productor ejecutivo : Alvyn Barrat

Director de arte supervisor:
Serreau Meghan

Produce|Producir : Boutang Amoux

Fabricante: Kunis Alifa

Actriz : Matteus Kalee

Título de la película

Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Castellano


127 segundos




ASF 1440p





nombre de reparto

Shaylee, Kobalt ProductionsDebbie N. Malet, Lane S. Haroun

[HD] Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Castellano

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Cuerdas 2019 Filmaffinity

Cuerdas 2019 en Cine

Cuerdas 2019 Estreno España

Cuerdas 2019 En Español Completa

Cuerdas 2019 En Castellano

Cuerdas 2019 Doblaje España

Cuerdas 2019 Online Castellano

Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Cuerdas 2019 Doblaje Español

Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

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Cuerdas 2019 Ver Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Cuerdas 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Kamis, 29 Agustus 2019

Limbo 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Limbo 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Limbo 2019 Pelicula Castellano- doblada -Dolby Digital-WEBrip- Película HD - 2019 -año- ganzer film .jpg

Limbo 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Fayette Ella

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Yazami Kamren

Diseño de guión:
Horace Amite

Imágenes : Mullins Raulet
Co-Produzent : Kyllian Melih

Productor ejecutivo : Vada Kassav

Director de arte supervisor:
Oscar Poonam

Produce|Producir : Olympe Campos

Fabricante: Evellin Fredric

Actriz : Blase Sévigné

Título de la película

Limbo 2019 Pelicula Castellano


134 minuto




MPEG 720p


Comedy, Horror



nombre de reparto

Léonore, Harmony ProductionsKandra A. Rossif, Ivon N. Drew

[HD] Limbo 2019 Pelicula Castellano

A murderer finds himself on trial in Hell, caught between a bitter prosecutor and an inexperienced defence attorney. The trial spins out of control when a powerful demon, Lucifer and people from the killer’s past become involved.

AXA — Википедия ~ Андре ФрансуаПонсе André FrançoisPoncet — директор с 2016 года ранее был председателем правления и CEO LMBO Europe SAS Пол Хермелин Paul Hermelin — директор с 2013 года председатель правления компании Capgemini США

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Limbo 2019 Filmaffinity

Limbo 2019 en Cine

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Limbo 2019 Doblaje España

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Limbo 2019 Película Completa en Español

Limbo 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Limbo 2019 Ver Limbo 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Limbo 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2019

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Castellano- disney - kostenlos -SDDS- En Netflix - subtitrat -año-stream .jpg

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Mateo Justin

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Lamia Sybil

Diseño de guión:
Lenny Lunasha

Imágenes : Demar Reynaud
Co-Produzent : Cassius Wadan

Productor ejecutivo : Rashad Yvon

Director de arte supervisor:
Grondin Wardat

Produce|Producir : Sagan Jersie

Fabricante: Raynaud Naïa

Actriz : Jesusa Étienne


Título de la película

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Castellano


168 segundos




FLV 1440p


Action, Crime, Thriller


English, Français

nombre de reparto

Sher, Mutant EnemyVirat Z. Susie, Urbain U. Sybil

[HD] Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Red, a safe cracker who has just been released from prison, is trying to hold his family together as his past catches up with him in the form of Luc, a psychopathic contract killer who's seeking revenge for the death of his brother.

My Lucky Day — Википедия ~ «My Lucky Day» с англ — «Мой удачный день» — песня молдавской группы DoReDos которая вошла в десятку на конкурсе «Евровидение2018» в ЛисабонеТакже песня имеет русскоязычную версию под названием «Счастливый день»

DoReDos — Википедия ~ DoReDos — молдавское трио из РыбницыГруппа состоит из Марины Джундиет Евгения Андриянова и Сергея Мыцы Они представили Молдавию на конкурсе Евровидение 2018 с песней «My Lucky Day» где в финале заняли 10е место

The Black Rider — Википедия ~ Об альбоме The Black Rider включает в себя песни для одноимённого спектакля основанного на опере «Волшебный стрелок» Театральная адаптация была сделана Уильямом Берроузом и Робертом Уилсоном с последним Уэйтс работал

Премия AVN лучшему актёру — Википедия ~ Премия AVN лучшему актёру англ AVN Award for Best Actor — награда вручаемая компанией AVN в ЛасВегасе на церемонии AVN Awards

Одобеску Анна — Википедия ~ Анна Одобеску 3 ноября 1991 года — молдавская певица представляющая Молдавию на конкурсе песни «Евровидение2019» с песней «Stay» 2 марта 2019 года она выиграла национальное отборочное шоу O melodie pentru Europa

Lucky Old Sun — Википедия ~ «Lucky Old Sun» — двенадцатый студийный альбом американского кантрипевца Кенни Чесни выпущенный 14 октября 2008 года на лейбле Blue ChairBNA Records

American III Solitary Man — Википедия ~ American III Solitary Man — 85ый студийный альбом кантриисполнителя Джонни Кэша изданный в 2000 годуТретий альбом серии American Recordings получившей своё название от одноимённого лейбла звукозаписи

ВикипедияФорумАрхивИноязычный2007 — Википедия ~ Rwyt tin gallu uwchlwytho ffeiliau gydag hen ddelweddau fel yr hyn dy hunan maen nhw yn public domain i gyd Ond os fydd angen unrhyw help yn dyfodol teimlan rhydd i fy ngofyn Ond os fydd angen unrhyw help yn dyfodol teimlan rhydd i fy ngofyn

Холтби Льюис — Википедия ~ «Шальке 04» Впечатлив игрой во втором дивизионе в составе «Алемании» Холтби привлёк к себе внимание многих представителей БундеслигиВ июле 2008 года игрок был куплен Шальке 04 за €25 млн подписав четырёхлетнюю сделку

Прайс Алан — Википедия ~ Алан Прайс англ Alan Price 19 апреля 1942 Фатфилд Вашингтон Дарем — британский клавишник группы «The Animals» автор песен и актёр После распада группы начал заниматься сольной карьерой Выпустил в 1973 году саундтрек к фильму

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Lucky Day 2019 Filmaffinity

Lucky Day 2019 en Cine

Lucky Day 2019 Estreno España

Lucky Day 2019 En Español Completa

Lucky Day 2019 En Castellano

Lucky Day 2019 Doblaje España

Lucky Day 2019 Online Castellano

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Lucky Day 2019 Doblaje Español

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Lucky Day 2019 en Persona

Lucky Day 2019 Película Completa en Español Latino

Lucky Day 2019 Película Completa en Español

Lucky Day 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Lucky Day 2019 Ver Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Lucky Day 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Avengers: Endgame 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Avengers: Endgame 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Avengers: Endgame 2019 Pelicula Castellano- geoff - sin cortes -DVDScr-Pelicula Castellano- en línea -año- ganzer film .jpg

Avengers: Endgame 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Bryanna Trisha

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Steiner Bilel

Diseño de guión:
Cyrille Budig

Imágenes : Chinaza Shaheem
Co-Produzent : Abir Betim

Productor ejecutivo : Mathys Jessiah

Director de arte supervisor:
Tsipora Aspe

Produce|Producir : Mithush Huff

Fabricante: Forbes Eloisee

Actriz : Raphael Xzavier


Título de la película

Avengers: Endgame 2019 Pelicula Castellano


195 minutos



objetos de valor

MPEG-1 720p


Adventure, Science Fiction, Action


English, 日本語

nombre de reparto

Blake, BTS ProuctionsCarrere M. Navneet, Lebayle D. Chartré

[HD] Avengers: Endgame 2019 Pelicula Castellano

The epic Marvel Saga that started over ten years ago has been building up to the inevitable clash with the powerful tyrant Thanos (Josh Brolin). Last year’s “Avengers: Infinity War” set the stage for the highly-anticipated conclusion; “Avengers: End Game” and at long last it has arrived.

Picking up shortly after the events of the last film, the Avengers must deal with the aftermath of what Thanos has done. The team is naturally divided between wanting revenge, wanting to set things right, and just wanting to take what they have and go on.

As time passes and they struggle to accept the reality of their situation; an unexpected individual returns and with them comes the seeds of a new plan to make things right. Naturally Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is skeptical but eventually warms to the possibilities of the idea thanks to a new scientific breakthrough that makes it possible.

Inspired, Tony sets out to put an elaborate plan in motion that will allow the team to try to fix things and to stop Thanos once and for all.

What follows is an extended and at times nostalgic heist where various members of the team work to assemble the pieces needed for the plan as they believe they only have one chance to make things right.

The film is essentially three acts in one. The first deals with the recap and expansion of their situation and the planning. The second act is basically a heist where action and comedy are blended with some touching moments.

This all leads to the final act which is the FX laden set piece where the ensemble cast gathers to fight the forces of evil in a battle to save the Universe.
The film is epic in scale and length as it clocks in at over three hours but the movie is filled with so much content that the time goes by quickly and you have a hard time believing three hours have elapsed.

It is also a difficult film to review as you cannot recap elements of the film in any great detail without giving away elements that are sure to delight the fans. Suffice it to say that my only real issue with the fil and it was minor; was that it took a while to get to the action but at least there was plenty to keep you entertained along the way.

As this phase of the Marvel Film Universe winds down and plans are put in place for the next five years; “Avengers: End Game” is a satisfying conclusion to the epic saga that was started many years ago and weaves elements of many of the past Marvel films into an entertaining tale which features all of the best elements that have made the series of films such big hits.

4.5 stars out of 5
Hey, so, just some really quick thoughts I wanna get down, 'cause it's after 1 o'clock in the morning, and I wanna get some sleep so I can wake up well rested to see _Endgame_ again.

Putting it out there right from the get-go, _Avengers: Endgame_ is my favourite MCU movie. It's my favourite movie of the year too, but I've only seen like ten or so 2019 releases, and this is the 22nd Marvel Cinematic Universe film, so that seems far and away the bigger deal. I can't say it's perfect, there's some conflicting stuff within its own runtime that really doesn't seem to gel (though a re-watch may prove me wrong on that), and it's not like every moment was the no-holds-barred-zero-exception best version of that moment from start to end. But God I loved this thing.

I will say this though, the reason that I loved it, is this thing is fan service galore. If you do not care for the franchise's 21 movies preceding this point, then _Endgame_ is not the movie to turn you around on that. That may come in a future installment, but this one is a culmination. It's the end of _Infinity War_ but also Phase 3, but also a wrap-up and genuine ode to/send off for everything that Marvel has done over the past 11 years. That to me was incredible, and I am eternally greatful, but I cannot imagine it working for people who have no vested interest in these characters.

To me though? My first 9 out of 10 rating in **three years**.

_Final rating:★★★★½ - Ridiculously strong appeal. I can’t stop thinking about it._
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Don't worry. This is going to be a pretty vague review. Right now, as I'm writing this sentence, I'm still processing what I saw and how am I going to explain how I felt without spoiling a single tiny thing. First of all, it's such a mix of feelings. On one hand, I'm extremely happy that I was lucky to be alive during this epic time and that I was able to follow these characters that I love and care about so much. On the other hand, I'm obviously sad that it finally reached the end of this (hopefully) first incredible saga. There are no perfect films and one with so many heroes will always have struggles balancing it all (Infinity War already had this issue).

However, the Russo brothers did everything they could to deliver a phenomenal story, and they did. I don't think this could have been any better. Its last hour exceeds any expectations. It's epic, emotional, action-heavy, and it has one of my favorite shots in the entire history of cinema. It's pure magic, and the VFX team will surely get an Oscar for it. The action reminded me of the biggest Lord of the Rings' battles, and it was impeccably filmed, filled with riveting and chill-inducing sequences. Nevertheless, don't expect this high-intensity feeling throughout the whole runtime. The other two acts are a slow-burn build-up to a payoff that's going to make you pretty much either "love" or "like" this movie. I absolutely love it!

This is easily one of the best MCU films, if not my new number one. I can't deny that the 3-hour runtime has some unnecessary scenes, but even if they don't have a significant impact on the plot or even in the characters, they still contribute to the enormous build-up. Seeing this family that we grew up with just talking with each other or having lunch, at the same time that they deal with the consequences of Thanos' snap, is inexplicably captivating and heartwarming. Characters like Natasha (Scarlett Johansson) and Steve (Chris Evans) supporting each other is simply beautiful. Their comradery and chemistry are worthy of some tears here and there.

Some people didn't really enjoy Infinity War so much due to the lack of screentime that some characters had. This time around, there are fewer characters to work with, so the balance is better. Everyone gets an important role, from Captain America to Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) to Nebula (Karen Gillan), and even Rocket (Bradley Cooper). Every single character has a major moment. If you take one out of the movie, it just doesn't work anymore. This is not only great work from the directors, but also from the writers.

Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely are not even going to be remembered because fans will always think of the cast first. Most of them will also remember the directors. But the writers?! If I stand at the door of the theater at the end of the film and question everyone about who are the writers, I strongly believe most of the audience won't know. Every dialogue, every sentence, every word carries so much impact on the narrative. Literally, I cried and got chills just by hearing two freaking words with the perfect timing in between. The amount of grief that the words of the ones who've lost everyone and everything carry is palpable and, for me, those are the most emotional moments of the movie: seeing how everyone is suffering from their own losses, not the deaths themselves.

The humor is mostly on-point, but it's still connected to my only real issue with the film, which is the second act's tone. From the moment the team decides what to do, we already know that this is a 1 in 14 million chance of success like Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) said, so the stakes and pressure are massive! With this level of tension, I didn't expect such an “easygoing” and “funny” vibe throughout, except for one particular sequence. They do a great job once again of pairing up certain Avengers together, but most of them go through these too comedic plot points for such a crucial and serious mission. Fortunately, this act carries enough action and emotional drive to make this problem not that big of an issue.

Visually, this is arguably the best-looking superhero film ever. From the mind-blowing visual effects to the gorgeous cinematography, everything is perfect. The costumes are gritty and muddy when our heroes are in a battle, their faces are all filled with blood, and I have no words to describe how jaw-dropping that last act is. I can't wait to change my desktop wallpaper once THAT shot is available. I dropped a single tear just by looking at it. No one talks, no one does anything. It's just an amazingly beautiful image. The score is epic as hell. So much that I'm listening to it right now as I'm writing this review, and I'm getting chills all over my body.

I can't really write much more, to be honest. I will acknowledge the cast because they are brilliant. Each and every single member delivers an outstanding performance, but if I had to choose the ones that both surprised me and had the most impact on me, they would be Johansson's, Evans', and Robert Downey Jr's (Tony Stark / Iron Man). “New” characters like Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) blend seamlessly, and the payoff is unbelievably satisfying. In terms of predictability, it goes more or less as I expected, but it still carries a few surprises throughout. Nothing is ever like we imagine or theorize about, so expect the unexpected, and don't judge a movie by if it fits your crazy, unrealistic theories that never crossed the producers and directors' minds in the first place!

All in all, I don't know what to do now. The only thing I'm sure of is that I want to see it again, as soon as possible. The last hour is f*cking insane. I couldn't fall asleep properly because I couldn't stop thinking about it. Endgame surpasses all expectations. It's everything I wished for and so much more. I could easily spend a whole day at the movie theater and watch three sessions in a row. It's that good. One of the best comic-book films of all-time, without a single doubt. Thank you to Kevin Feige and everyone who worked hard to bring the MCU to where it stands now. I can't even think of how are they going to produce something at the level of Infinity Saga. Maybe they never will. Maybe we'll have to wait another decade or two for something like this. Until then, see you at the next Endgame screening! Enjoy! Oh and #DontSpoilTheEndgame!

PS: it's not a perfect movie, I know. It doesn't exist one. Yes, Endgame has some issues regarding its pacing and tone, but I would be lying to myself if this isn't everything I dreamed of. I felt the same way with Civil War, regarding the rating to give, and I ended up giving it an A after a first viewing. As soon as I watched the second time, I changed it to an A+. I don’t need to wait for that second viewing with Endgame … And thank you to my audience for being incredibly respectful. No yelling, no crazy laughs, no stupid people doing stupid stuff. Thank you so much for not ruining one of the best cinematic experiences of my life!

Rating: A+
okay so if your like me you questioned this movie due to the fact that i personally thought nothing could beat infinity war well after seeing it i can honestly say we have a new champion this was absolutley excelent so hilarious action packed the 3 hrs passes extremily fast my only thing is the use of god.... bothered me and i suggest if your offended by that wait till dvd so you can mute the parts also a reminder to parents 'no matter how bad you want to see the movie dont do like people in my theater did and bring your 3 year old 'but besides that awesome movie
We waited till day 5 of release in theaters. There was a slow start to the movie so i don't recommend taking little ones under the age of 10. After all the anticipation and hype,Avengers Endgame did not disappoint. Waa a perfect "ending' to the series. Very well done
These kind of movies are among the few movies that I can be bothered to go to an actual theater to watch nowadays. For most movies I just wait until they come out on disk (preferably Ultra HD Blu-ray if it’s available) and watch them on my home theater rig. So this weekend me and the kids went to the theater to watch Avengers: Endgame.

I have to say that it was better, even much better, than I feared. I really feared that the SJW retards at Marvel would take this opportunity to completely re-organize the Marvel universe to their liking. Like how they completely ruined both professor Xavier and Wolverine in that abysmal Logan movie. Luckily, this did not really happen. Maybe the financial reality of their failing SJW comics and Disney doing a bit of culling of the most extreme of the Marvel retards, the ones who fail to understand that super hero movies are meant to entertain and not be their personal agenda channel, are starting to take effect.

It was actually a quite good movie with plenty of action, some humor and, of course, lots and lots of special effects. Even the story made somewhat sense, at least in the context of a Marvel movie, even though the writers resorted to time travel.

The movie starts of somewhat dark and grim but I guess that was to be suspected. It cheered up as it moved along and then ending … well to me at least it was mostly satisfactory.

I was not too thrilled about the “new” Hulk although I warmed up to him a bit during the film. Thor? The less that is said about him the better actually. The rest of the merry bunch was in pretty good shape and I am quite happy that we did not get to see to much of Quill’s usual shenanigans. I really hate that character.

I was quite positively surprised at the huge and quite cool battle towards the end. I was thinking, or rather hoping, that at some time they were just going to reverse Thanos’ crap and that would be it but instead we get to watch another huge confrontation with pretty much everyone involved at the end. Very cool action and FX indeed.

There were some silly plot holes of course. As always when writers resort to time travel. An obvious one would of course be that, when they knew they only had enough Pym particles to complete one trip for each person why did they just not go back in time to get more the first thing they did? Especially since they later did exactly that. Also, Captain Marvel (in her new SJW hairdo) flies through a barrage of fire, smashes through Thanos’ ship like it was nothing and then struggles to combat Thanos himself? There were a bit of this silliness spread around but not too much for me to be bothered by it.

There were a few casualties of which I am saddened by two of them. I think at least one of them was unnecessary and probably agenda based. I also strongly disliked the rubbish with Captain America at the end. He has never been one of my favorite characters so I do not really care much about him being around or not but that rubbish sob-scene where he hands over his shield to a “politically correct” person was really unnecessary. I guess it must have been put there to appease the Marvel SJW retards.

Anyway, my bottom line is that I was greatly entertained by this movie. It had all the good stuff, real super heroes, action, special effects and not too much of the crap that has been spewing out of Marvel the last years.
***How can they possibly save half of all living beings in the Universe?***

How are the surviving Avengers & Co. possibly going to save half of the Universe that died? My wife & I had this discussion before viewing. It basically comes down to two options (assuming the events in "Infinity War" weren’t just a dream): magic or time travel. All I’ll say is: What they came up with was in ways reminiscent of the plot convolutions of "Back to the Future II" (1989).

“Endgame” (2019) begins strong with the devastating reality of half of all living beings in the Universe suddenly vanishing. It starts to get lethargic about an hour in, but perks up with the three teams trying to apprehend the Infinity Stones so they can maybe reverse what happened at the end of the previous film.

Everything naturally leads to a huge battle in the last hour that I found boring, not to mention that the epilogue tended to drag on with too much of it being tedious. Still, there are lots of worthy bits throughout, like the opening, the unpredictable first encounter with Thanos, Thor getting flabby, the moving match between Black Widow and Hawkeye at the cliff’s edge, and much more.

Unfortunately, the myriad protagonists work against the film because it can’t concentrate on any one or two characters for very long. Captain Marvel is short shifted and decidedly dull. Plus the movie’s overlong at 3 hours, 1 minute.

After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more in order to undo Thanos' actions and restore order to the universe once and for all, no matter what consequences may be in store.

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