Minggu, 31 Maret 2019

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Castellano- lección -1080p-AVI- Película HD - edad -año- deutsch .jpg

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Kishore Lancret

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Tempany Nasima

Diseño de guión:
Jasneet Wasiq

Imágenes : Pace Kole
Co-Produzent : Delvin Foix

Productor ejecutivo : Ranim Anaya

Director de arte supervisor:
Makhan Abelle

Produce|Producir : Méline Keon

Fabricante: Deneuve Fauvety

Actriz : Jovan Fabre


Título de la película

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Castellano


165 minuto




DTS 720p


Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Comedy



nombre de reparto

Sabba, Studio BONESAmira E. Ritej, Clouzot A. Harriet

[HD] Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Castellano

If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

Once again, I didn’t know anything going into the theater regarding this movie. In fact, Ready or Not wasn’t even on my watchlist until the beginning of this week. I thought it was just going to be a passable and cheap horror flick, but the tremendously positive feedback from everyone around the world convinced me to give it a go. Fortunately, I wasn’t disappointed! Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett deliver a dumb yet entertaining film with a childish yet fun concept never really explored in the gruesome and bloody way they do.

It’s one of those movies which the only flaw they might have has to do with the viewer’s expectations. You’ll only dislike this story if you don’t accept its lighthearted tone. If you go in expecting a film filled with truly terrifying and scary sequences, you won’t get that. If you go in expecting a movie with a dark vibe and tonally heavy scenes, you won’t get that. It’s one of the most common issues that audiences have all over the world: unrealistic expectations. After watching the trailers, it’s clear that Ready or Not was always marketed as a horror-comedy with more emphasis on the dumb fun that the concept inevitably provides, so don’t expect something the producers didn’t even think of doing.

Having that in mind, the film definitely delivers what it promises. It’s a fast-paced hide-and-seek game, filled with suspenseful scenes and genuinely funny moments. Its short runtime doesn’t really let us care about every character, but to be fair, it’s not like it truly matters in this case. Samara Weaving plays the bride who has to hide while the rest of the family tries to find her. Overall, everyone gives good performances, but Weaving completely steals the show with fantastic reactions to different situations, always making space for an extra laugh.

Despite the unique exploration of a strange premise, it has a pretty generic and even formulaic development, which is a bit of a letdown. Granted, the ending is, well, unexpected in the way that it is executed, but its final result is still very predictable. There’s a lot of cheesy moments, some do work, but others aren’t near as effective. The score is actually one of the surprises since it’s not usual for this feature to have such an impact in a rather simple movie. It provides a few chuckles with some witty lyrics, and it helps with elevating the suspense in the more tense sequences. It’s also mostly well-shot and set in one-location, something I always deeply appreciate.

All in all, Ready or Not accomplishes exactly what it set out to do. It delivers a fun and entertaining 90-minute hide-and-seek game like we’ve never seen before. Its R rating lets its makers do whatever they please with the amount of blood and goriness present in a scene, which ultimately culminates in a jaw-dropping, hilarious ending. Samara Weaving is brilliant as the main character, carrying the whole film on her shoulders. Is it cliche? Yes. Is it formulaic and predictable? Yes. Is it cheesy? Hell, yes. However, this movie never intended to be a groundbreaking achievement in the genre. It just wants to deliver good fun. And it does.

Rating: B-
**_An entertaining horror-comedy that takes aim at the decadence and insularity of the 1%_**

>_So distribution should undo excess,/And each man have enough._

- William Shakespeare; _His True Chronicle Historie of the life and death of King Lear, and his three Daughters. With the vnfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Gloster, and his sullen and assumed humour of Tom of Bedlam_, 4.i.73-74 (1605-1606)

>_In the long run, men inevitably become the victims of their wealth. They adapt their lives and habits to their money, not their money to their lives. It preoccupies t__heir thoughts, creates artificial needs, and draws a curtain between them and the world._

- Herbert Croly; _The Promise of American Life_ (1909)

>_I don't want to be married just to be married. I can't think of anything lonelier than spending the rest of my life with someone I can't talk to, or worse, someone I can't be silent with._

- Mary Ann Shaffer; _The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society_ (2008)

On August 3, 2018, Patrick Crusius murdered 22 people and injured 24 in a mass shooting in El Paso, TX. Just over 12 hours later, Connor Betts murdered nine people and injured 17 in a mass shooting in Dayton, OH. On August 10, Universal Pictures announced they had pulled Craig Zobel's eagerly awaited film _The Hunt_ from its scheduled release date on September 27. Telling the story of 12 strangers who are hunted for the amusement of a group of wealthy elites, in the wake of the shootings, the film had been accused by hysterical conservatives of portraying liberal elites hunting Donald Trump supporters. On August 7, for example, Matt Margolis of _PJ Media_ wrote,

>_in the past few days we've been hearing a lot about how Donald Trump's rhetoric is apparently to blame for the El Paso shooting, yet Hollywood apparently lacked the foresight to think that a movie promoting violence against "deplorables" might be in bad taste until after the shootings in El Paso and Dayton._

He also claimed, incorrectly, that the film was originally called _Red State Vs. Blue State_, before concluding,

>_apparently, some in Hollywood are more than willing to promote violence against Trump supporters. Meanwhile, Democrats and liberals in the media want us to believe that it's Trump's rhetoric that needs to be toned down._

On August 9, Trump himself tweeted, "_the movie coming out is made in order to inflame and cause chaos_" (as opposed to his own balm-like rhetoric, which is renowned for bringing people together), saying of Hollywood in general, "_they create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!_" (because responding to a mass shooting by condemning a film you haven't seen makes way more sense than, oh, I don't know, tightening gun laws and outlawing the indefensible sale of automatic weaponry to the public. Way more sense).

So, what does any of this have to do with _Ready or Not_? Well, it's just curious that _Ready or Not_ has a very similar plot (elites hunting common folk), yet it has arrived in theatres without the slightest hint of controversy. Of course, despite what right-wing commentators would have us think about _The Hunt_, the theme of elites hunting the less privileged is nothing new. As far as I'm aware, it was first explored in Richard Connell's short story "The Most Dangerous Game" (1924). And now in _Ready or Not_, except with tongue firmly in cheek. Written by Guy Busick and R. Christopher Murphy (aka Ryan Murphy), and directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, _Ready or Not_ is a horror-comedy and a social satire that comically exaggerates the anxieties attendant with marrying into a wealthy family and mocks the insular nature of such families, so obsessed with their wealth that they've become disconnected from the real world. And whilst it can be a tad episodic at times, and the manner in which it presents some of its violence is somewhat problematic, this is a very enjoyable and funny film that's well worth checking out.

After a brief prologue, the film cuts to the wedding day of Grace (an exceptional Samara Weaving) and Alex Le Domas (Mark O'Brien). The Le Domas family started out printing playing cards but earned its fortune making board games, and the family has now become decadently wealthy, owning several sports franchises (when Grace asks Alex if they refer to themselves as an "empire", he half-jokingly says they prefer the term "dominion"). Several years previously, Alex turned his back on the family, even though he's in line to inherit the business, and it's only since he met Grace (a foster child eager to have a family to call her own) that he has started to rebuild bridges. His return to the fold has made his mother Becky (Andie McDowell) especially happy, and she makes sure Grace knows how appreciative she is. Alex's father, Tony (a barely sane Henry Czerny) is more ambivalent; he's polite and respectful to Grace, but she's convinced he doesn't like her. There's no such ambiguity with Helene (a hilariously acerbic Nicky Guadagni), Tony's sister, who makes no bones about the fact that she hates Grace. Elsewhere there's Alex's brother Daniel (Adam Brody), an alcoholic locked in a loveless marriage to Charity (Elyse Levesque), but who is deeply thankful that he has Alex back in his life. Offering Grace a get-out-of-jail card just prior to the wedding, Alex tells her if she wants to leave, he will let her go. She dismisses the offer, however, and the two are wed. Shortly thereafter, Alex and Daniel's cocaine-addicted sister Emilie (a wonderfully hapless Melanie Scrofano) and her husband Fitch Bradley (a scene-stealing Kristian Bruun) arrive at the estate, apologising for missing the ceremony. It's at this point that Alex explains a strange family tradition to Grace – whenever someone new marries into the clan, they must participate in a game, chosen at random by a mechanised box using a deck of cards (Charity got checkers when she married Daniel). Alex is worried that Grace might get the hide and seek card, but Tony assures him that's highly unlikely – stating that in his lifetime, only one person has ever gotten that card; Helene's husband (something of which we saw in the prologue). At a disturbingly austere ceremony, Grace is asked to operate the box and so the game can commence…and she receives the hide and seek card, with Tony explaining that the only way for her to win is to stay hidden until dawn. And so, Grace hides in the mansion, unaware that the family (_sans_ Alex) are arming themselves with crossbows, axes, hunting rifles, and assorted antique weaponry. This is no ordinary game of hide and seek.

The film's various psychoanalytical/satirical subtexts are fairly obvious – a lampooning of blue blood families clueless as to how the real world works, a savage deconstruction of the institution of marriage, and a gynocentric/fempowerment celebration of a woman fighting back against old-world patriarchy. In relation to these last two themes, nowhere are they more apparent than in Grace's wedding dress, that most classic symbol of marriage, which becomes dirtier and more damaged as the film progresses, with costume designer Avery Plewes using the dress to show the stages of Grace's symbolic dismantling of the institution of marriage (to survive the night, she must make the dress more conducive to running and hiding, which involves a lot of ripping and tearing). In this sense, each time Grace evades capture or strikes back against her pursuers, she is chipping away at the foundation of everything in which the Le Domas family believe, quite literally deconstructing the very concepts of marriage and old-world patriarchy.

Concerning the film's engagement with wealth, essentially it suggests that, yes, as we all know, the rich are very different from you and I, but could it be that not only are they different, maybe they're actually evil? Maybe their wealth is built on the suffering of others in a very literal sense and maybe the difficulty they have accepting it when someone who they see as their social inferior marries into their circle manifests itself in actual violence. Of course, it's not suggesting this with anything even approaching realism, and much of the film's humour comes from the Le Domas family itself; sure, they're wealthy, evil, violent, and powerful. But so too are they hilariously incompetent. For example, it's been so long since anyone has got the hide and seek card that everyone is a little fuzzy on the rules, and they spend a good chunk of the film arguing with one another about the hunt – people like Fitch and Charity want to use modern weapons, but Tony maintains they have to use antique weaponry, nor are they allowed to use the castle's security cameras to track Grace.

This all goes back to a century-old deal made between the family's original patriarch Victor and a mysterious traveller named Mr Le Bail, who may, or may not, be Satan. Le Bail promised Victor that the family would become hugely wealthy, but only if they maintained the tradition of having new family members play a game on their wedding night, laying out the rules for what was to happen if they got the hide and seek card. Tony argues that the rules can be no different from those originally established by Le Bail, but, really, his argument never amounts to much more than "_tradition...reasons_". The film makes no bones about the fact that the family is comically inept, and it gets a lot of laughs out of showing characters trying to get to grips with their weapon – from Fitch taking time out from the hunt to look up "how to use a crossbow" videos on YouTube to Emilie accidentally dispatching several maids due to her inability to handle her weapon (more on this in a moment).

Another theme, although one not developed to the extent of the above, is religion. Le Bail, for example, is believed by the family to be a demonic figure, and his name, obviously enough, is an anagram of Belial, the demon from the Tanakh, who is described in _The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness_, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, as the "King of Evil" and the "Prince of Darkness", and who would later form the basis for the Christian and Jewish depiction of Satan. On the other hand, Grace's name most likely references the idea of Divine grace, which is defined by _ChristianEducation.org_ as,

>_a sharing in the divine life. It is the infused presence of God, a presence that is supernatural, not merely natural. Human persons are not born in a state of grace. And there is nothing we can do ourselves to earn grace. Rather, divine grace is favour, and it is freely bestowed._

Elsewhere, the film depicts a pit of slaughtered goats, alluding to ritual animal sacrifice, which is a pre-Christian practice. Goats are also important in Christianity, especially in the practice of scapegoating, whereby a goat takes upon them the sins of the community and is cast into the desert, symbolically removing the taint of those sins (as per Leviticus 16:8-10; "_Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the LORD, and the other lot for the scapegoat. And Aaron shall bring the goat on which the LORD's lot fell, and offer it as a sin offering. But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the LORD, to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness._") Along the same lines, Grace injures her hand on a nail, in a veiled reference to the Stigmata. However, whether or not we're supposed to interpret her as a Christ figure is hard to say as, although these references are interesting in isolation, they never really coalesce into anything concrete.

Looking at some other problems, despite its themes, the film is, generally speaking, very slight; it's short and it's silly, and it's not going to change your life or lead you down the road of esoteric revolution. The violence is also (somewhat) problematic. The film maintains the stance that the rich are insane and the violence they mete out is contemptible. However, some of the biggest laughs are reserved for Emilie's accidental killing of the maids. And I have to admit, I found the way she haplessly dispatches two of them exceptionally funny (especially her comment after the second one, "_why does this keep happening to me_"). Also funny is that after one of the kills, the family are trying to have a conversation, which is continually interrupted by the gurgling of a mortally wounded maid; until Helene takes an axe to her head. And again, I have to admit, I laughed a lot at that scene, even though I recognised that the film was essentially asking the audience to see this violence as funny but some of the violence elsewhere as not so much.

In this sense, it kind of wants to have its cake and eat it. In _Natural Born Killers_ (1994), Oliver Stone gets away with asking the audience to laugh at horrific violence because he's fairly consistent in depicting all violence as funny (whether it's being shot by a bullet that stops in mid-air, getting drowned in a fish tank and simultaneously beaten with a tire-iron, having a perfectly circular hole shot through your hand, or having your head literally ripped off by rioting inmates). Here, the film picks and chooses when the audience should laugh; it takes Grace's stakes seriously but also encourages us to laugh at some (and only some) of the violence, which is problematically inconsistent.

Nevertheless, as I said, these scenes did make me laugh, so make of that what you will (it may say more about me than the film). Although _Ready or Not_ is slight, its satirical ire is focused, even if the tendency towards irreverence doesn't always chime with the tone of the socio-political agenda. Is it the greatest horror-comedy of all time? Good Lord, no. Indeed, it doesn't have much in the way of scares at all. But it sure is funny, allegorically skewering inherited wealth, marriage, tradition, even religion on occasion. With atavistic rules and sense of entitlement, the Le Domas family embody the concept that old-money can lead to an insularity from modernity, preventing the work-a-day world from entering their gated estates. Offering us a match, the film suggests that perhaps the only way to deal with such irrelevancies and their sense of self-importance is to burn them to the ground. And it has a blast showing us why.
‘Ready or Not’ doesn’t sport as many laughs as you'd want for this ridiculous story, nor is it dark enough to be a true horror; it's just gory and violent with the occasional jump scare and anxiety-ridden scene. So while it doesn’t meet expectations or desires, it’s still a fun, thrilling, wicked romp through the blood-soaked mansion and goat barn.

So prepare yourself for squeals of fear, squeals of delight, squeals of patriotism and the occasional giggled “WTF!?”... because here it comes!
- Jess Fenton

Read Jess' full article...
A bride's wedding night takes a sinister turn when her eccentric new in-laws force her to take part in a terrifying game.

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Ready or Not 2019 Filmaffinity

Ready or Not 2019 en Cine

Ready or Not 2019 Estreno España

Ready or Not 2019 En Español Completa

Ready or Not 2019 En Castellano

Ready or Not 2019 Doblaje España

Ready or Not 2019 Online Castellano

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Ready or Not 2019 Doblaje Español

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Ready or Not 2019 en Persona

Ready or Not 2019 Película Completa en Español Latino

Ready or Not 2019 Película Completa en Español

Ready or Not 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Ready or Not 2019 Ver Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Ready or Not 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Castellano- centro comercial -M4V-MPEG-2- En Netflix - the -año- deutsch .jpg

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Savia Mélinda

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Amine Denis

Diseño de guión:
Alyssa Mimi

Imágenes : Cormack Muawwiz
Co-Produzent : Wilder Armarni

Productor ejecutivo : Foley Turcat

Director de arte supervisor:
Goddu Phillis

Produce|Producir : Reina Jaydn

Fabricante: Peggie Mhamed

Actriz : Ilyess Mady

Título de la película

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Castellano


137 minuto



objetos de valor

MPEG-1 720p





nombre de reparto

Koji, FilmarmonikiNéel F. Jahmal, Conwell M. Jayceon

[HD] Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Simon, a traumatised young man who can glimpse the future must do anything to stop a killer, even if it means being the murderer’s final victim. He hires Steve, an ex-SAS soldier but their plan goes awry.

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Dark Sense 2019 Filmaffinity

Dark Sense 2019 en Cine

Dark Sense 2019 Estreno España

Dark Sense 2019 En Español Completa

Dark Sense 2019 En Castellano

Dark Sense 2019 Doblaje España

Dark Sense 2019 Online Castellano

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Dark Sense 2019 Doblaje Español

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Dark Sense 2019 en Persona

Dark Sense 2019 Película Completa en Español Latino

Dark Sense 2019 Película Completa en Español

Dark Sense 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Dark Sense 2019 Ver Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Dark Sense 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Castellano- maléfica - film -BRRip- Transmisión de películas en línea - en -año- it alienisch .jpg

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Hanah Akram

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Belaval Landyn

Diseño de guión:
Doreen Grady

Imágenes : Auclair Sibylle
Co-Produzent : Royce Onie

Productor ejecutivo : Juelz Marmion

Director de arte supervisor:
Dougal Blondin

Produce|Producir : Yazmin Elanna

Fabricante: Ilyane Trevin

Actriz : Liriene Dunham

Título de la película

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Castellano


139 minutos




SDDS 1080p


Drama, Comedy


Español, English

nombre de reparto

Jenisha, VSP ProductionArafath K. Andie, Stewie S. Miguel

[HD] Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Castellano

An aging, Argentine, Serge Gainsbourg wannabe struggles to deal with a career he can't seem to get on track, an affair he doesn't want, and a crime he didn't mean to commit.

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Initials S.G. 2019 Filmaffinity

Initials S.G. 2019 en Cine

Initials S.G. 2019 Estreno España

Initials S.G. 2019 En Español Completa

Initials S.G. 2019 En Castellano

Initials S.G. 2019 Doblaje España

Initials S.G. 2019 Online Castellano

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Initials S.G. 2019 Doblaje Español

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Initials S.G. 2019 en Persona

Initials S.G. 2019 Película Completa en Español Latino

Initials S.G. 2019 Película Completa en Español

Initials S.G. 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Initials S.G. 2019 Ver Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Initials S.G. 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Castellano

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Castellano

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Castellano- hashtags - englisch -AVCHD- Película completa HD - sale -año-stream .jpg

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Jardine Laurene

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Guertin Shanna

Diseño de guión:
Esmay Pacha

Imágenes : Sukey Nolhan
Co-Produzent : January Laugel

Productor ejecutivo : Darwin Eloan

Director de arte supervisor:
Hassan Crimea

Produce|Producir : Samara Busy

Fabricante: Triston Torie

Actriz : Achache Sahel


Título de la película

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Castellano


152 segundos




FLA 720p


Thriller, Horror, Fantasy


nombre de reparto

Ailene, GranadaSophia W. Achin, Hatouma J. Faiza

[HD] Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Castellano

Welcome to Monsterland! A terrifying place where savage beasts, carnivorous creatures, and grotesque abominations are the new normal; and the human race is now at the bottom of the food chain.

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Monsterland 2016 Filmaffinity

Monsterland 2016 en Cine

Monsterland 2016 Estreno España

Monsterland 2016 En Español Completa

Monsterland 2016 En Castellano

Monsterland 2016 Doblaje España

Monsterland 2016 Online Castellano

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Castellano

Monsterland 2016 Doblaje Español

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula en Inglés

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Monsterland 2016 en Persona

Monsterland 2016 Película Completa en Español Latino

Monsterland 2016 Película Completa en Español

Monsterland 2016 La Película titile 2016 Completa en Español

Monsterland 2016 Ver Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Castellano

Monsterland 2016 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Castellano- póster -MPEG-1-MP4- Película en Netflix - maquillaje -año- blu ray .jpg

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Quessy Pierce

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Kyliann Kameron

Diseño de guión:
Coumba Lilian

Imágenes : Hellé Rhoanne
Co-Produzent : Patry Asil

Productor ejecutivo : Dreux Péju

Director de arte supervisor:
Estella Olympus

Produce|Producir : Mikkel Sevier

Fabricante: Tonita Jennie

Actriz : Miriam Odila


Título de la película

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Castellano


112 minuto




M2V 720p


Horror, Thriller



nombre de reparto

Adelina, M1 ProductionsMaurin A. Darryl, Reault E. Jibril

[HD] Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Castellano

If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

This might be the very first film of 2019, which I knew absolutely nothing about going into the theater. Usually, I avoid trailers for most movies, but it’s almost impossible to not catch an image or a clip here and there. However, for Scary Stories, since it wasn’t heavily marketed in my country (at least), the only things I knew was that Guillermo del Toro was involved and that it was a horror flick. Knowing del Toro, I also remembered myself that this wouldn’t just be a straightforward horror story, filled with predictable jump scares, and a bland narrative. That’s my first advice to my fellow readers: if you expect a film similar to those of The Conjuring Universe, then you’ll be disappointed.

It’s also not the other extreme. It doesn’t follow the ambiguity and weirdness of Jordan Peele’s installments, so if you’re one of those people that don’t appreciate that type of horror, you’re safe as well. Having in mind the latest movies released from the genre, it’s hard to find one that balances these two separate takes instead of choosing one of them. Scary Stories spends its first half slow-building their characters, but mainly its story. There’s a massive build-up to something that’s pretty much the premise of the film, so it struggles to reach the actual “action” without it becoming a tad boring or too long. It’s a “breath of fresh air” (in the genre, I mean) to have a good set up, with decent character development, and an exponential interest in the main story, instead of jumping into silly horror sequences fifteen minutes after it started.

André Øvredal does an excellent job in directing. He really knows how to generate suspense and create a genuinely creepy build-up. There’s tremendous camera work involved in some fantastic sequences that don’t rely on jump scares to provide the “fear” factor. It’s the never-ending suspense, that feeling of claustrophobia even if the character isn’t in a confined space. Except for one scene, we can always see what’s happening. The “monsters” don’t appear out of nowhere, they don’t screech at you precisely at the third time a character looks another way, and the actual jump scares are rather efficient. However, they’re not scary, as well as the movie itself…

It’s not simply a scary film. It doesn’t have that heavy and dark tone that we feel in other horror movies. At first, I thought it might be a bad thing, but Scary Stories establishes this distinct tone from the very beginning. Even without knowing a single thing about the film, I understood from the first few minutes that it was going to be “different”. I would advise caution to not judge this movie by its trailers if they indicate that this is one of those films to make you scream every five minutes. There’s definitely a message to be transmitted, and I think it was well-delivered in the ending. It might be too cheesy for some or lack impact for a movie that asks the audience for a bit of patience, but for me, it worked well enough.

The acting is mostly good. Zoe Colletti (Stella) and Michael Garza (Ramon) are undoubtedly the standouts, and they do a good job of carrying the narrative forward. They both have compelling backstories, but for the time that the film spends developing its characters, I wish they went more in-depth with Stella. She has a particularly intriguing past, and I don’t think we get enough out of it. Gabriel Rush (Auggie) and Austin Zajur (Chuck) have great chemistry, but their comic-relief roles are a disservice to an otherwise pretty solid movie.

Technically, there are some beautiful shots from the DP, Roman Osin. Usually, sequences at night in low-budget films suffer a lot with lack of clear visibility, but Osin does a remarkable job, playing with lighting in a truly unique way. I’m curious to know what audiences will think of this movie. If I had to bet, I think people will leave disappointed due to the lack of more generic jump scares, and a straightforward narrative. Truth be told, the slow pacing doesn’t help, especially when the character development only works for two. Finally, the “scary stories” that Sarah tells are entertaining and imaginative, and the whole concept of this film is incredibly captivating.

All in all, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is a distinct horror flick, with well-developed leads, and a creative approach to an unique premise. It doesn’t follow the rules of generic horror, by not relying itself too much on jump scares, and making the actual story and characters the main interest. Beautifully-produced by Guillermo del Toro and co. as well as brilliantly directed by André Øvredal. The “scary stories” are indeed dark and creepy, providing a whole second-half of excellent horror scenes.

However, the first-half takes its time to set everything up, and the lack of more “action” might leave some viewers disappointed. Only two characters are genuinely engaging, which proves that the slow build-up didn’t entirely pay off as it should have. It’s meant to be a divisive movie, but I definitely recommend seeing it!

Rating: B-
There’s just enough scares to appeal to the under-15s with disposable income, but very little for anyone else looking to get into the real Halloween spirit. ‘Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark’ has the potential to be really unique, but is let down by its blandness and lack of originality. Yes, there’s a hint at a sequel at the end of the film, but I hope for our sake that the book is closed on any more of these scary stories.
- Charlie David Page

Read Charlie's full article...
The shadow of the Bellows family has loomed large in the small town of Mill Valley for generations. It's in a mansion that young Sarah Bellows turns her tortured life and horrible secrets into a series of scary stories. These terrifying tales soon have a way of becoming all too real for a group of unsuspecting teens who stumble upon Sarah's spooky home.

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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Filmaffinity

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 en Cine

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Estreno España

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 En Español Completa

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 En Castellano

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Doblaje España

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Online Castellano

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Doblaje Español

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 en Persona

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Película Completa en Español Latino

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Película Completa en Español

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Ver Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Jumat, 29 Maret 2019

The Timber 2015 Pelicula Castellano

The Timber 2015 Pelicula Castellano

The Timber 2015 Pelicula Castellano- ph -1440p-DVDrip- 4k Blu Ray - de -año- inglés .jpg

The Timber 2015 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Taliyah Germana

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Mavise Atelian

Diseño de guión:
Paschal Jadon

Imágenes : Teresa Ayon
Co-Produzent : Bruce Aissa

Productor ejecutivo : Nahil Ward

Director de arte supervisor:
Shelly Adelphe

Produce|Producir : Eddy Fabiola

Fabricante: Marier Litia

Actriz : Slade Lilia


Título de la película

The Timber 2015 Pelicula Castellano


144 segundos




ASF 720p


Adventure, Drama, Western



nombre de reparto

Gail, OctoArts FilmsAubine P. Soul, Baylee J. Margot

[HD] The Timber 2015 Pelicula Castellano

In the wild west, two brothers embark on a journey to collect a bounty in a desperate attempt to save their home: but what they find along the way is more than they bargained for.

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The Timber 2015 Filmaffinity

The Timber 2015 en Cine

The Timber 2015 Estreno España

The Timber 2015 En Español Completa

The Timber 2015 En Castellano

The Timber 2015 Doblaje España

The Timber 2015 Online Castellano

The Timber 2015 Pelicula Castellano

The Timber 2015 Doblaje Español

The Timber 2015 Pelicula en Inglés

The Timber 2015 Pelicula Completa Castellano

The Timber 2015 en Persona

The Timber 2015 Película Completa en Español Latino

The Timber 2015 Película Completa en Español

The Timber 2015 La Película titile 2015 Completa en Español

The Timber 2015 Ver The Timber 2015 Pelicula Castellano

The Timber 2015 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Exposure 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Exposure 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Exposure 2018 Pelicula Castellano- นางพญา ปีศาจ - stream -DAT-Pelicula Castellano- pueblo -año- película .jpg

Exposure 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Demir Tognoni

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Amalia Natasha

Diseño de guión:
Cornish Isolde

Imágenes : Kairi Danyl
Co-Produzent : Kemar Gaétan

Productor ejecutivo : Énora Céleste

Director de arte supervisor:
Andrew Bowden

Produce|Producir : Everton Rubi

Fabricante: Micah Cyrille

Actriz : Mikkel Danning


Título de la película

Exposure 2018 Pelicula Castellano


193 minutos




M4V 1440p




nombre de reparto

Sinan, Prospect ParkBuddug F. Tijen, Lital N. Landry

[HD] Exposure 2018 Pelicula Castellano

In an attempt to reconcile the problems in their relationship, Myra and James venture to an isolated cabin in the mountains. It is there they encounter an ancient evil that haunts the landscape, capable of turning people into deformed monsters. Not only will they be fighting for their relationship, they will be fighting for their lives.

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Exposure 2018 Filmaffinity

Exposure 2018 en Cine

Exposure 2018 Estreno España

Exposure 2018 En Español Completa

Exposure 2018 En Castellano

Exposure 2018 Doblaje España

Exposure 2018 Online Castellano

Exposure 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Exposure 2018 Doblaje Español

Exposure 2018 Pelicula en Inglés

Exposure 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Exposure 2018 en Persona

Exposure 2018 Película Completa en Español Latino

Exposure 2018 Película Completa en Español

Exposure 2018 La Película titile 2018 Completa en Español

Exposure 2018 Ver Exposure 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Exposure 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Kamis, 28 Maret 2019

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Castellano- philip - descargar -M2V- Película completa en inglés - póster -año- blu ray .jpg

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Savoy Yousha

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Safana Abélard

Diseño de guión:
Yaya Gréco

Imágenes : Ezmira Riel
Co-Produzent : Hicks Hermine

Productor ejecutivo : Damion Conway

Director de arte supervisor:
Janiyah Evelyne

Produce|Producir : Amitai Jayleen

Fabricante: Delores Bowers

Actriz : Minnie Droz


Título de la película

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Castellano


132 minuto




M4V 720p


Science Fiction



nombre de reparto

Degas, G4C InnovationCruz T. Daoust, Epstein G. Mady

[HD] Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Mankind is nearly extinct in this post-apocalyptic creature thriller. Most humans died from a deadly plague and the ice age they manufactured to eradicate it. A man named Vargas leads a group of survivors on a quest to reach Shangri-La, the last safe haven on Earth. However, they must fight through the cold, a mutant cult and a pack of deadly creatures to get there.

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Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Filmaffinity

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 en Cine

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Estreno España

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 En Español Completa

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 En Castellano

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Doblaje España

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Online Castellano

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Doblaje Español

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula en Inglés

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 en Persona

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Película Completa en Español Latino

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Película Completa en Español

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 La Película titile 2018 Completa en Español

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Ver Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Castellano

Shangri-La: Near Extinction 2018 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Castellano- hindi - stream hd -FLV- Watch Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Online Reddit - reparto -año- it alienisch .jpg

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Sahair Desire

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Sanai Jupiter

Diseño de guión:
Simone Dwayne

Imágenes : Senior Idal
Co-Produzent : Ainara Gweni

Productor ejecutivo : Roma Charlot

Director de arte supervisor:
Noelie Alvin

Produce|Producir : Abel Jacquot

Fabricante: Clovis Glover

Actriz : Chiron Leonda


Título de la película

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Castellano


134 minutos




WMV 1440p





nombre de reparto

Kahina, Cicada FilmsPrisha D. Domenik, Steffan Y. Albéric

[HD] Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Castellano

By this point in the franchise, ‘Fast & Furious’ fans will know exactly what to expect from ‘Hobbs and Shaw’, and there’s just enough here that's fresh enough to warrant taking another ride with the series.
- Ashley Teresa

Read Ashley's full article...
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog :)

Here’s the thing about the Fast & Furious franchise: it can be dumb fun. Every movie has the right to be entertaining even if it completely disregards physics and logic… As long as it establishes its tone from the start. You can’t make an action film where the main characters survive basically everything they shouldn’t and take everything seriously. It’s not that you can’t have that mix of tones (Furious 7 did it brilliantly), but that’s reserved for some of the best movies of the year since it’s not easy (at all) to balance so many different things. Hobbs & Shaw sets its tone in the first 10 minutes, and everyone knows what they’re getting themselves into. However, it didn’t quite work for me this time…

The Fast & Furious saga is an undeniable success, even more in my country where it constantly breaks box-office records. It possesses everything a popcorn blockbuster should have: tons of action (car chases, explosions, fights, shootouts), easy-to-follow plot, and simple character development. There’s no problem in leaving your brain at the entrance of the theater for a couple of hours and just have fun. Of course, Hobbs & Shaw is ridiculous. It’s completely absurd, it has no sense of logic, and it’s unbelievable how many physics-defying sequences occur. But that’s exactly what they establish in those first few minutes, so people just need to sit comfortably and eat that whole bag of popcorn while watching the most ludicrous action on-screen.

So, if the tone is well-balanced, why didn’t I enjoy it as much as the rest? People seem to be having tremendous fun (even critics who usually demolish this type of films are liking it), so I guess I’m in the minority here, but I just found the action pretty underwhelming, and the comedy was way off for me. Granted, there are huge set pieces, and there are a couple of great action scenes, especially a motorbike-car chase between Brixton, Hobbs, and Shaw. True, there are a couple of laughs that I couldn’t contain due to how amazing Statham and Johnson’s chemistry is. Nevertheless, overall, I just don’t think it’s enough.

First of all, my main issue with the story: Brixton. Idris Elba is incredible as always, and I really want him to be the next James Bond. However, his character is so poorly written and so horribly explored that I wonder why they made him an enhanced machine with superpowers. Literally, there’s no difference between him and the other two main characters, which ultimately destroys the “superhero” vibe Elba should have. That’s the problem with having such an absurd movie: if your “heroes” are undefeatable due to their enormous plot armor, how is your “superpowered villain” different than them? If an explosion goes off with the three of them close, why do Hobbs and Shaw survive in the same way Brixton does? How does a punch from a “black Superman” has the same impact as a punch from the other two?

Then, the comedy. It’s not like I disliked Statham and Johnson bantering for five straight minutes in three different scenes. It’s just too long, and not all of the jokes land. The film itself is way too long, just over two hours. If I didn’t know about the whole Samoa sequence from occasionally seeing it on a TV spot, I would have believed the movie was about to end when it started its third act. It feels like it’s going to end, but then there’s a whole other massive action set piece to show off. For the first time in a long, long time, I almost fell asleep during the transition from the second-to-last to the last action moment. The action is also very disappointing having in mind David Leitch is directing. Too many quick cuts, and way too choppy.

Finally, there’s an attempt at the start of a romance that I won’t spoil, but … It’s not like it’s forced because it actually isn’t. It follows a logical path, characters don’t say stupid stuff to each other, and it was surprisingly being a good way of stopping to breathe and relax away from all the action. However, as the film reaches its conclusion, they ditch it altogether and never address it anymore. There’s even a line similar to “I’ll let you have a kiss tomorrow if we’re still alive”, but they never go there again. It’s like it never happened… Why? The only thing that was truly being logical and emotionally compelling is completely ignored by the end. That’s disappointing.

I don’t want to be too harsh on the movie because I do understand how entertaining and fun it might be. I’m sure audiences will love it, and fans of the franchise will love it even more. The chemistry of the cast is palpable, and everyone is terrific. Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham are awesome as the action superstars, and they’re definitely the main source of entertainment. Vanessa Kirby is also pretty great, and I have to commend the film for keeping two spectacular cameos under wraps. You won’t believe who’s in this movie as well. There are still a couple of cool action sequences, and I did laugh more than a couple of times, so I guess it isn’t as bad as this review might transmit.

I know I’m in the minority, so I recommend all of you to go watch it and judge it for yourselves. If you enjoy absurdity, ridiculousness, and over-the-top action, as well as cheesy comedy, Hobbs & Shaw might be perfect for you. It didn’t really work for me, though. The comedy was not as good as I expected, the action is not that captivating, and Brixton is such a horribly written and unexplored character, that I kept feeling frustrated every time an action sequence ended. Go for the huge set pieces and the dumb fun, stay for the amazing cast’s chemistry.
PS: if you haven’t watched Game Of Thrones by now, heavy spoilers in this film. You’ve been warned.

Rating: C
A spinoff of The Fate of the Furious, focusing on Johnson's US Diplomatic Security Agent Luke Hobbs forming an unlikely alliance with Statham's Deckard Shaw.

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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Filmaffinity

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 en Cine

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Estreno España

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 En Español Completa

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 En Castellano

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Doblaje España

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Online Castellano

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Doblaje Español

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula en Inglés

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 en Persona

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Película Completa en Español Latino

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Película Completa en Español

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 La Película titile 2019 Completa en Español

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Ver Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Castellano

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 2019 Pelicula Completa Castellano